June 6, 2019  | Updated: May 13, 2020

Category: Medical Careers, Nurses

If you’re looking for a nursing job, it’s the perfect time to find one.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), registered nurse jobs are expected to grow by 15 percent between 2016 and 2026, and jobs for licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses are expected to grow by 12 percent. Nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners are expected to fare even better, with a projected 31 percent job growth in that time.

This means you can be picky in your job hunt and really find a job you love. But how can you know you’ll love a job before starting it? Here are five things you can do to boost your odds.


1. Figure out what you want

The best way to find a job you love is to figure out what you love and then only apply to jobs that fit within that. This requires reflecting on what you’re looking for in a workplace, according to recruiting expert Jesse Siegal in an interview with CareerBuilder.

“Some valid questions to ask yourself include: ‘Do I need an employer who will permit me to work a flexible schedule? Am I okay with having to work long hours in a competitive environment? Do I prefer to work on more collaborative teams or do I prefer working independently?’” Siegal said.

According to the article, you should also consider what your need-to-haves are versus your want-to-haves and if the job is truly a stepping-stone to where you ultimately want to be. And think back to past experiences, said career coach Katie Stricker in an interview with Girlboss.

“Reflect back on your last few roles—even internships or college courses if you’re just starting out,” Stricker said. “List them all on the left side of a sheet, then create columns for ‘what I loved’ and ‘what I didn’t love.’”


2. Network

Networking is a great way to find a job you’ll love because if you like someone at a place you want to work at, there’s a higher chance you’ll like the job. It’s easier to do this with people you already know (friends, professors, etc.), according to Hannah Morgan of U.S. News & World Report.

“Because these people are already familiar with you, it is easier to reach out and re-educate them on what you are looking for and to request their advice or help,” Morgan wrote. “People you know are also more likely to want to help and refer you to people in their network.”

You shouldn’t only be networking with people you know, though. Morgan also recommends regularly attending networking events that allow you to interact with people in your industry. These could be alumni networking events, career conferences, or just a Meetup for nurses in your area. Find as many networking events as you can online and attend them.


3. Look in the right places

The line “looking for love in all the wrong places” could also apply to jobs.

While it’s possible to find a healthcare job you’ll love on broad sites like LinkedIn and Indeed (just like it’s possible you’ll meet the love of your life at a bar), it’s not that likely. These sites aren’t geared toward helping nurses find jobs and get bombarded with so many applications from unqualified candidates, you may get lost in the mix.

On top of that, employers on general job boards often use keywords to sort through candidates, making it possible your application is never even seen, according to career advisor Liz Ryan on Forbes.

That’s why we recommend applying on facility websites directly, nursing association websites, and healthcare-specific job boards like Intiva Health’s. Our platform lets you apply to hundreds of nursing jobs with a single click, notifying employers instantly and placing you in front of other candidates. You can even just upload your CV and let employers anonymously find you.

By putting yourself in front of employers who are specifically looking for nurses and won’t miss your application, you set yourself up for success. Any other way is looking for love in all the wrong places.


4. Consider relocating

If you’re in a position where you can move, you raise your chances of landing a job you’ll love since you’ll be able to apply for more jobs. But really assess if this is a good idea for you.

Some, like Stephanie Stephens of Monster.com, think nurses should be willing to move if they can. She wrote, “Launch yourself in every possible direction. Even while you’re in nursing school think, ‘The world is my oyster’ and don’t place limitations on yourself.”

Others, like best-selling business author Alexandra Levit, think moving for a job is only a good idea in certain contexts.

“It’s a good idea if you have your heart set on a job that’s in a particular geography and if your lifestyle allows a bit more flexibility,” Levit told Forbes in an interview. “It may not be the smartest approach to uproot your entire family for a job you could probably find locally with a little more persistence.”

You could also take an in-between approach, only applying to jobs locally for a certain amount of time and then expanding your search to other regions if you haven’t found a job you love in your area after a while. Just be open-minded to the possibility, if you can.


5. Do extensive research on potential employers

Before interviewing anywhere and definitely before accepting a job, make sure you extensively research the company. This will increase the odds of accepting a job you like (or even love).

In an interview for NBC, business consultant and author Marya Triandafellos recommended conducting some “intelligence gathering,” where you:

  • Contact colleagues who currently work or used to work there via LinkedIn
  • Read news about the company, competitors, and industry
  • Follow their senior management on social media
  • Scour the company’s website

Also, be sure to read employee reviews on sites like Glassdoor and Intiva Health to get an idea of what it’s like to work there before applying.

Admittedly, there is an element of luck involved in finding a job you love. Just like finding romantic love, it’s a bit of a numbers game and “right time, right place” sort of thing. But you raise your odds of success by knowing what you want, looking in the right places, doing your research, and putting yourself out there. Good luck!
