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Very informative courses and easy to access!

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Great course, fulfilled my requirements, excellent course!

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Easy to follow and learned a lot!

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Very informative courses that are also user friendly.

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Easy to watch video and easy to claim credit!

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I was thrilled to be able to find free CME that was specific to my practice as well as other informative topics.

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Very informative and interesting lectures and articles. I highly recommend Intiva Health. Definitely worth your time.

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User-friendly access to free CME! The course on end of life care was informative, straightforward, and useful for future practice. Thanks Intiva!

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Great content, very straightforward and easy to understand.

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Great courses, many many options. Completed my CEU's in one session. Intiva Health made it easy for me and courses were very interesting and information can be used in my workplace almost daily!

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Course was very informative and I loved the presentation.

- Ka'Raun T.

Great place for free CEU's!

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Very informative and easy to stay focused on the information you are learning!

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Easy to use on-line CE for nursing - time frame to complete very reasonable.

- Toni K.

Great webinar. Very informative.

- Traci B.

Great way to get some extra CEUs. Website is easy to use too!

- Krista N.

Excellent way to get valuable info in small doses!

- Pamela M.

Find Your Nursing CE Requirements
Each state has different continuing education requirements. You can use our free tool to find your contact hours needed for your profession. These continuing education requirements change frequently so please use this tool with that in mind.
Your state

CEU Requirements in Alabama

Registered Nurses (RN)
24 CE hours every 2 years for RNs

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
24 CE hours every 2 years for LPNs

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

The Board and Commission recognize the difficulty licensees may have meeting the annual CME requirement in 2020 due to the public health emergency. Consequently, all licensees are exempt from the continuing medical education requirements for the calendar year 2020, and no audit for 2020 will be conducted. This includes the annual requirement of 25 credits for license renewal, the biannual requirement of 2 credits for ACSC renewal, and the biannual requirement of 4 credits for QACSC renewal. Credits earned in 2020 may not be rolled over to 2021 to meet the 2022 license renewal requirement.

In determining compliance with the controlled substances CME requirements for ACSCs (two credits biennially) and QACSCs (four credits biennially), the Board will extend the two-year period to include 2020. If your two-year period was 2019-2020, it is now 2019-2021. If it was 2020-2021, it is now 2020-2022. Qualifying controlled substances CME credits earned in 2020 may be used to comply with the biennial requirement.


CEU Requirements in Alaska

Registered Nurses (RN)
Every 2 years: 2 of the 3 are required for license renewal: 30 contact hours, OR 30 hours professional nursing activities, OR 320 hours nursing employment

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
Every 2 years: two of the following three are required for license renewal: 30 contact hours, OR 30 hours professional nursing activities, OR 320 hours nursing employment

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

On May 14, 2020, the State Medical Board approved a fifty percent reduction of CME requirements for MD, DO, DPM and paramedics for the 2019-2020 licensing period.

Physician assistants must maintain a current active NCCPA certification to qualify for renewal.

Status - This board order will cease on January 1, 2021, following the end of the current renewal cycle. In the event the COVID-19 pandemic extends past the renewal deadline, the board may consider adjusting CME requirements for the 2021-2022 licensing period.


CEU Requirements in Arizona

CEUs not required.

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

A state agency or board that licenses individuals or entities as indicated herein shall: … b) Defer requirements to complete continuing education by six months, unless those requirements can be completed online or due to the nature of the license is not practical; c) Suspend any rules that prevent or limit the amount of online or alternative learning hours permitted to issue or renew a license.

There has been no change to the CME requirements as the rule, R4-16-102, requires the 40 hours of CME be completed during the two calendar years preceding biennial registration (license renewal). For licenses due to expire between March 1, 2020 and September 1, 2020 the period to renew has been extended by six months from the expiration date.


CEU Requirements in Arkansas

Registered Nurses (RN)
15 contact hours every 2 years OR hold a current nationally recognized certification/recertification OR complete one college credit hour course in nursing with a grade of 2.0 or above

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
15 contact hours every 2 years OR hold a current nationally recognized certification/recertification OR complete one college credit hour course in nursing with a grade of 2.0 or above

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in California

Registered Nurses (RN)
30 CE hours every 2 years

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
30 CE hours every 2 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

DCA Waiver DCA-20-69 Waiving License Renewal Requirements defers the continuing medical education (CME) renewal requirement for licenses that expire between March 31, 2020 and December 31, 2020 for six months after the date of the waiver. Upon expiration of the six-month deferral period, the licensee must have completed the CME requirements.


CEU Requirements in Colorado

CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Colorado is one of only three states that does not require any continuing medical education for physicians. Not only does Colorado not require doctors to complete continuing education courses in order to renew their licenses, the state’s Medical Practice Act actually forbids the state medical board from requiring continuing education.


CEU Requirements in Connecticut

CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Under Executive Order 7DD, the continuing education requirements for providers with annual continuing education requirements are suspended for a period of (1) year. Additionally, for those provider types that have other continuing education requirements, such requirements are suspended for a period of six (6) months.


CEU Requirements in Deleware

Registered Nurses (RN)
RNs are required to complete 30 CE hours every 2 years

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
LPNs are required to complete 24 CE hours every 2 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

When completing your on-line renewal, the continuing education attestation page will ask if you have been unable to complete your required continuing education due to the Governor’s declared state of emergency. Any licensee who attests that s/he has had difficulty completing CEs before renewal due to the declared state of emergency will be immediately granted additional time to complete their CEs. If the declared state of emergency has impacted your ability to complete your CEs, you will be given until sixty days after the lifting of the state of emergency to complete your CEs for this renewal cycle.

Status – Active, until end of Delaware State of Emergency (currently scheduled to expire November 1, 2020 per Seventh Extension of State of Emergency.


CEU Requirements in District of Columbia

Registered Nurses (RN)
24 CE hours every 2 years

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
CE not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in Florida

Registered Nurses (RN)
24 CE hours of every 2 years: including 2 hours for medical errors, and 2 hours for FL Laws and Rules. 1 hour HIV/AIDS training (first renewal only.)2 additional hours of domestic violence CE every third renewal for a total of 26 hours.

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
24 CE hours of every 2 years: including 2 hours for medical errors, and 2 hours for FL Laws and Rules. 1 hour HIV/AIDS training (first renewal only.) 2 additional hours of domestic violence CE every third renewal for a total of 26 hours

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[DOs]: On March 13, the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine waived the requirement
for live, participatory attendance for certain CE courses for the 2018-2020 biennium.


CEU Requirements in Georgia

Registered Nurses (RN)
30 CE hours every 2 years

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
30 CE hours every 2 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in Hawaii

Registered Nurses (RN)
Every 2 years, 5 different options - See State Board website

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
Every 2 years, 5 different options - See State Board website

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in Idaho

Registered Nurses (RN)
New Continuing Competency Requirements (effective with the 2019 renewal) In order to renew, a licensee shall complete or comply with at least two of any of the learning activities listed below within the two year renewal period. a. Practice: i. Current nursing specialty certification as defined in Section 402; ii. One hundred (100) CE hours of practice or simulation practice b. Education, Continuing Education, E-learning, and In-service: i. Fifteen (15) CE hours of continuing education; ii. Completion of a minimum of one (1) semester credit hour of post-licensure academic education; iii. Completion of a Board-recognized refresher course; See additional options on Idaho BON website

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
New Continuing Competency Requirements (effective with the 2018 renewal) In order to renew, a licensee shall complete or comply with at least two (2) of any of the learning activities listed in the RN requirements within the two (2) year renewal period

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Temporary Suspension of rules: Rules of the Board of Medicine for the Licensure to Practice Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine [Continuing Medical Education (CME)] (requiring every person licensed to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine or surgery in Idaho shall complete no less than forty hours of practice relevant, Category 1, CME every two years.)

Waiver of CME requirements: During the COVID-19 response, the Board may waive or extend the time to complete CME credits required for licensure renewal.

Status – Active until the end of the COVID-19 emergency, currently scheduled to expire November 4, 2020, per 10/5 Proclamation.


CEU Requirements in Illinois

Registered Nurses (RN)
RNs are required to complete 20 CE hours every two years

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
LPNs are required to complete 20 CE hours every two years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

The Department has also allowed participation in continuing education remotely for programs or requirements that had mandated in person participation. This requirement did not apply to all professions regulated by IDFPR. For medical or osteopathic physicians and surgeons and chiropractic physicians the requirement for 60 hours of Category I continuing education did not include a requirement for in person attendance.

Status - Any professional licenses issued by the Department that have renewal dates between March 1, 2020 through and including July 31, 2020 are granted an automatic extension to renew to September 30, 2020.


CEU Requirements in Indiana

CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in Iowa

RNs and LPNs: 36 CE hours every 3 years. RNs who regularly examine, attend, counsel or treat dependent adults or children must complete 2 contact hours of training related to child/dependent adult abuse

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

All requirements for in-person continuing medical education and all deadlines and other requirements for continuing medical education that are unable to be satisfied due to the health emergency, are temporarily suspended during the period of this health emergency. If a licensee is unable to complete the required continuing medical education required for renewal of their Iowa medical license due to the health emergency, they should note that on their next renewal application.

Re: Extension of state of emergency – [September 18], Governor Reynolds signed a new proclamation continuing the Public Health Disaster Emergency for another 30 days. The umbrella COVID proclamation that has been in place for months has been extended until 11:59 pm. October 18, 2020.

Status – Active, currently scheduled to expire November 15, 2020 per 10/16 Proclamation.


CEU Requirements in Kansas

Registered Nurses (RN)
RNs are required to complete 30 CE hours every 2 years. There is no maximum on the number of independent study CE hours that can be obtained

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
LPNs are required to complete 30 CE hours every 2 years. There is no maximum on the number of independent study CE hours that can be obtained

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Continuing Education Deadline Extensions: The Board is extending continuing education deadlines until 90 days following the termination of the State of Disaster Emergency declaration for licensees who were unable to obtain the required continuing education due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Licensees currently in the renewal process will certify either that you have completed the required CEs, or, if you have not yet completed them, that you understand you are required by law to complete them within 90 days following termination of the State of Disaster Emergency declaration. The Board will verify compliance by auditing an undetermined percentage of renewed licenses at the expiration of the 90 day period.

Continuing Education In-Person Requirement Waiver: The Board is waiving enforcement of any regulations requiring in-person continuing education for all healthcare professions its licenses. For any professions licensed by the Board, all in-person continuing education requirements can be satisfied by live, online continuing education until March 1, 2021. The Board will reassess this waiver at the February 12, 2021, board meeting.

Status – Active for the duration of the public health emergency, currently scheduled to expire January 26, 2021 per EO 20-64.


CEU Requirements in Kentucky

Registered Nurses (RN)
14 contact hours every year or other approved, equivalent activity. See requirements page for details

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
14 contact hours every year or other approved, equivalent activity. See requirements page for details

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in Louisiana

Registered Nurses (RN)
RNs Every year: 5 contact hours with 1600 practice hours, OR 10 contact hours with 160 practice hours, OR 15 contact hours

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

General CME requirements and CME audits will be temporarily suspended for 2020 (however, this does not apply to the 3-hour required CME on controlled dangerous substances (CDS) for first time license renewal of authorized prescribers of CDS. There are many online options provided for this educational requirement.)


CEU Requirements in Maine

CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Keep licenses from expiring or needing to be renewed for 30 days after the declaration of the emergency (including CME requirements).

Status – Active for the duration of the public health emergency, currently scheduled to expire November 27, 2020, per 10/29 Proclamation.


CEU Requirements in Maryland

CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in Massachusetts

RNs and LPNs
15 CE hours every 2 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

For the duration of this state of emergency and until December 31, 2020, the continuing medical education (CME) requirement for physicians is suspended. Any physician with a CME requirement whose license is due for renewal on April 2, 2020 through and including Dec. 31, 2020 will not be required to complete any CME requirement.


CEU Requirements in Michigan

RNs and LPNs:
25 contact hours every 2 years including 1 hour on pain and symptom management

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Effective immediately… LARA may renew a license to practice… regardless of whether the licensee has satisfied the continuing education requirement applicable to their license… LARA may recognize hours worked responding to the COVID-19 emergency as hours toward continuing education courses or programs required for licensure.

Under Gov. Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-13, followed by Executive Order 2020-49, followed by Executive Order 2020-82 (that has since been rescinded effective June 3), the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) may recognize hours worked responding to the COVID-19 emergency beginning March 17, 2020, through June 30, 2020, as hours toward continuing education courses or programs required for licensure. The Executive Order also allows LARA to renew licenses to practice under Part 170, 172, 175, 177, or 187 of the Public Health Code, 1978 PA 368, as amended, regardless of whether the licensees have satisfied the continuing education requirement applicable to their license.


CEU Requirements in Minnesota

Registered Nurses (RN)
24 contact hours every 2 years

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
24 contact hours every 2 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

EO 20-23 authorizes Health-Related Licensing Boards to defer continuing education reporting requirements until the first full reporting cycle following termination of the peacetime emergency. It is important to note that continuing education requirements are deferred and NOT waived.

Status – Active until the end of the peacetime emergency declared in Executive Order 20- 01, currently scheduled to expire November 12, 2020, per EO 20-92.


CEU Requirements in Mississippi

CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

The Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure will extend CME deadlines to December 31, 2020. The renewal date will remain June 30, 2020.


CEU Requirements in Missouri

CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in Montana

RNs and LPNs
24 contact hours every 2 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Montana is one of only three states that does not require any continuing medical
education for physicians.


CEU Requirements in Nebraska

Renewal requirements for RNs and LPNs: 20 contact hours every 2 years, plus 500 practice hours every 5 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[EO 20-10] …also defers the requirements for healthcare providers to pay initial licensing fees or to complete continuing education.

Licenses due to be renewed during the declared emergency will be extended until 30 days after Executive Order 20-10 is no longer in effect. Renewal notices will then be sent, and licensees will have 90 days to renew by attesting to meeting the continuing education requirement and paying the renewal fee.

Status – Active through the COVID-19 emergency.


CEU Requirements in Nevada

RNs and LPNs
30 CE hours every two years. including the state-required bioterrorism course

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in New Hampshire

RNs and LPNs:
30 contact hours every 2 years and 400 practice hours every 4 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

The following changes shall be made for all professionals, licensed by the… OPLC… (1) Certain continuing education requirements for licensed professionals waived… all CE requirements are hereby waived for those licensees who are scheduled to renew between March 13, 2020 and December 31, 2020. (2)… for licensees whose continuing education requirements are not waived under (1) above, licensees shall be allowed to complete CE through remote instruction until December 31, 2020…


CEU Requirements in New Jersey

RNs and LPNs:
30 CEU hours every two years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in New Mexico

Registered Nurses (RN)
30 contact hours every 2 years

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
LPNs are required to complete 30 hours of approved CE within the 24 months immediately preceding expiration of license

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[MDs]: Pursuant to NMAC: A physician unable to fulfill the CME requirements prior to the date of license expiration may apply to the board for an emergency deferral of the requirements by submitting a request in writing no later than July 1 of the renewal year. A designee of the board may grant a deferral of up to 90 days.

[DOs]: Due to the public health emergency declared by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham in Executive Order 2020-004, and to the cancellation of continuing education (CE) opportunities, the Board of Osteopathic Medicine will implement the following procedures through the Regulation and Licensing Department, Boards and Commissions staff: Boards and Commissions staff will process renewals without the proof of continuing CE credit needed for renewal during the pendency of the public health emergency instituted by Executive Order 2020-004… When the public health emergency is lifted, Boards and Commissions staff will send out a notice to licensees stating that the licensee has 6 months, depending upon the Board or Commission, to submit their proof of CE or be subject to discipline by the Board.


CEU Requirements in New York

Registered Nurses (RN)
3 contact hours infection control every 4 years; 2 contact hours child abuse (one time requirement for initial license)

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
3 contact hours infection control every 4 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Some regulations restrict licensees to a certain percentage of self-study for continuing education requirements. In response to the evolving situation with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), and for those licensees whose registrations are due to renew March 1, 2020 – May 1, 2021, the Department will grant an adjustment to all licensees to complete up to 100% of the continuing education as self-study, provided that it is taken from a Department-approved provider and is in an acceptable subject area for the specific profession. Additionally, the Department will grant an adjustment to all licensees, regardless of registration renewal date, to utilize self-study for any coursework taken during the period from March 1, 2020 – May 1, 2021, provided that it is taken from a Department-approved provider and is in an acceptable subject area for the specific profession. Coursework taken outside that timeframe must meet the continuing education requirements in each individual profession’s laws and regulations.


CEU Requirements in North Carolina

RNs & LPNs:
One of the following every two years: 15 contact hours and 640 hours of active practice, OR National certification or re-certification, OR 30 contact hours, OR completion of refresher course
Completion 2 semester hours of post-licensure academic education, OR 15 contact hours plus various other nursing-related activities.See website for further details

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in North Dakota

RNs and LPNs:
12 contact hours every two years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

There have been no other statutory or rule changes regarding licensure, renewals, CME requirements, etc.…

Status – No waivers in place.


CEU Requirements in Ohio

Relicensure requirement: 24 CEU hours every 2 years. At least one hour must be related to Chapters 4723,1-23 of the Ohio nurse practice code and rules

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Beginning immediately, the Medical Board will suspend enforcement of the continuing education requirements for the renewal of a license issued by the State Medical Board of Ohio. This includes, but is not limited to, the requirement for Ohio physicians to obtain 50 hours of Category 1 CME at the time of their license renewal. The exercise of this enforcement discretion is effective the day the State of Ohio declared an emergency, March 9, 2020, and will apply to renewals due by March 1, 2021.


CEU Requirements in Oklahoma

RNs and LPNs:
24 contact hours every 2 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in Oregon

One-time requirement for 7 hours of pain management-related CE. One hour must be a course to be provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission. Once this requirement is fulfilled, there are no additional CE requirements for renewal

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Licensees will not be asked to report specialty board recertification or completed CME hours until the end of the next licensure biennium.


CEU Requirements in Pennsylvania

Registered Nurses (RN)
30 CE hours every two years for RNs. Beginning in 2014 RNs must complete 2 CE hours of approved child abuse and recognition and report training every renewal (Act 31). See state website for additional information

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

The below only apply to out-of-state practitioners with temporary licenses:

BPOA may suspend any continuing education (C.E.) requirements for such applicants seeking a temporary license.

Re: DOs - The Osteopathic Board does not have a statutory provision for the issuance of temporary licenses; however, out-of-state licensees can apply for an unrestricted license. These licenses also have continuing education requirements suspended by the Governor.


CEU Requirements in Rhode Island

Registered Nurses (RN) & LPNs
required to complete 10 CE hours every 2 years. Online courses are acceptable

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in South Carolina

30 contact hours every 2 years. May also show proof of competence by maintenance of certification by a national certifying body, completion of an academic program, or employer certification

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


CEU Requirements in South Dakota

CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

South Dakota is one of only three states that does not require any continuing medical education for physicians.


CEU Requirements in Tennessee

5 contact hours every year for practicing nurses.Must be accompanied by two documents verifying competence or 10 contact hours annually for those not practicing and one additional document verifying competence

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Rules and policies are hereby suspended to the extent necessary to suspend the requirement that individuals complete or submit proof of continuing education requirements or otherwise demonstrate continuing competence as a condition of reinstating a license, certificate or registration.

The Department of Health understands that the effects of COVID-19 have resulted in the cancellation of in-person/live continuing education courses, resulting in the inability of healthcare practitioners to obtain the requisite number of in-person/live hours/credits. The Commissioner of Health deems the suspension of in-person/live continuing education credits/hours to be a necessary response…

Status – Suspended through December 2020 per DOH Guidance.


CEU Requirements in Texas

20 contact hours every 2 years. Several mandatory CE requirements such as Nursing Jurisprudence, Ethics, Geriatric Care, and Forensic Collection

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Continuing Education requirements related to this renewal extension will be waived. Physician and physician assistant licensees whose current permit expired/expires on 2/28/2020 or 5/31/2020 will automatically be extended through 8/31/2020, and any late fees previously accrued will be waived. Newly licensed physicians and physician assistants whose initial registration is due in March, April, May or June of 2020 will have that due date extended to 8/31/2020 as well.


CEU Requirements in Utah

20 contact hours every 2 years. Several mandatory CE requirements such as Nursing Jurisprudence, Ethics, Geriatric Care, and Forensic Collection

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

The requirement to participate in "live" CE hours is temporarily suspended for those with license expiration dates between now [June 18] and end of the pandemic… In other words, online CE may be accrued instead of live CE for the duration of the Pandemic for purposes of license renewal consideration. This waiver is permissive. Those who desire live CE are free to participate in it, though DOPL encourages licensees and providers of CE to adhere to social distancing recommendations…

Status - Active, until end of Utah State of Emergency, currently ongoing per 10/14 DOH Public Health Order.


CEU Requirements in Vermont

No CE Required - Active Practice requirement

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Vermont will allow a continuing medical education extension of up to 180 days and provide alternatives to face-to-face CME opportunities impacted by COVID-19. Online courses and training will be allowed. An extension will be granted if you are unable to complete your continuing medical education due to any of the following circumstances: (A) The in-person CME activity was cancelled due to COVID-19; (B) You feel your health may be at risk by attending an in-person CME activity due to the spread of COVID-19; and/or, (C) You feel your health may be at risk by the required travel to attend an inperson CME activity due to the spread of COVID-19. The office will allow online courses to be taken in lieu of formal CE required by your profession’s administrative rules and allow a continuing education renewal extension of up to 180 days.

Status - The Office will revoke this policy when the impact of COVID-19 has subsided (currently scheduled to expire November 15, 2020, per Addendum 6 to EO 01-20 (10/15/20)).


CEU Requirements in Virginia

RNs & LPNs
15 contact hours every 2 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

Existing Virginia code provides that “The board may grant an exemption for all or part of the requirements for circumstances beyond the control of the licensee, such as temporary disability, mandatory military service, or officially declared disasters.” If the licensee is unable to complete all of the required 60 hours of CME due to the COVID-19 crisis, he/she will indicate this at the time of license renewal. The licensee will then be asked to explain the reasons he/she was unable to complete the 60 hours (i.e. canceled courses).


CEU Requirements in Washington

Registered nurses (RN) and LPNs
45 contact hours of CE Every 3 years.

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

The language of each statutory and regulatory provision specified below is hereby waived and suspended in its entirety: Barriers to continued and uninterrupted healthcare practice, including continuing education and other training requirements and license renewal deadlines.

Status – Active through COVID-19 emergency.


CEU Requirements in West Virginia

12 contact hours every year. Must include best prescribing and drug diversion training if licensee prescribes, administers, or dispenses controlled substances. Also mandatory training for mental health conditions common to veterans and their families

24 contact hours every two years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

The following statutory regulations are to be suspended for the duration of the State of Emergency: … the requirement that individuals graduating from ACGME programs have to complete 40 hours of continuing medical education prior to licensure… the requirement that physicians biennially furnish proof of completion of 32 hours of CME prior to renewal.

Status - Active through COVID-19 emergency.


CEU Requirements in Wisconsin

CEUs not required

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

On April 15, Gov. Evers signed AB 1038, which said, in part, “a health care provider credential is not subject to renewal, or any other conditions for renewal including continuing education, and remains valid during the period specified… the period shall be the period beginning on March 12, 2020, and ending on the 60th day after the end of the period covered by the public health emergency…”

Yesterday the Legislature passed, and Governor Evers signed a package (Act 185) aimed at dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic… temporary suspension of licensure renewal requirements (includes CME requirements).

Status - Active until 60 days after the end of the COVID-19 emergency, currently scheduled to expire November 21, 2020 per EO-90.


CEU Requirements in Wyoming

Requirement for re-licensure: 20 CEU hours in the last 2 years OR Combination of Nursing practice and CEU hours OR Minimum 1600 CEU hours in Nursing practice in the last 5 years OR Minimum 500 CEU hours in Nursing practice in the last 2 years OR Passing NCLEX within the last 5 years OR National certification in specialty area in last 5 years OR Completion of a refresher/orientation program in the last 5 years

CME Modification Due to COVID-19

[No information found]


*Last updated in March 2021.
We try and keep this list updated, but data can quickly become out-of-date.
Please find your State Nursing Board for up-to-date requirements.

Why do nurses need nursing CEUs?

Your education doesn’t end when you graduate from nursing school. It continues throughout your career, in the form of yearly CEU courses and contact hours. If you’re like many, you’ve probably wondered: Why are these courses required?

Am I required to take CEU by law?

Failure to complete continuing education requirements may result in the inability to renew your medical license. You may even be charged fines and penalties or not be allowed to pursue a Maintenance of Certification (MOC) with your American Board of Medical Specialty (ABMS).
Some facilities may also have their own continuing education requirements, so be sure to check.

What benefits do I get from taking CEU courses?

Free Nursing CE can improve your knowledge of best practices in the healthcare industry.

By staying up-to-date on your medical knowledge, you’ll become a better employee at the hospital or facility you work at. This will naturally result in becoming a better nurse to your patients, which has the potential to help people or even save a life. There really are no downsides to getting free nursing ceu.

Will taking CEU courses help my career?

Increasing your knowledge by taking CEU courses will make you a stronger job candidate.

As stated before, certain facilities have specific nursing CE requirements. By earning these contact hours, you increase your odds of getting hired there. You can also land a better, higher-paying job the more nursing education you obtain and even be able to negotiate higher salaries in your current role. The more you know, the more your experience is worth. Use that to your advantage.

These are just a few of the many reasons nurses need continuing education. To learn firsthand all the ways you’ll benefit, browse our catalog of paid and free nursing CEUs.


Continuing Nursing Education

All CME activities are ACCME accredited, including AMA PRA Category 1™. A broad range of courses are also AANP & ANCC approved, providing the highest level of accreditation for physicians, mid-levels, & nurses. Additionally, Intiva provides state-required, board preparation, & MOC courses.

ANCC Approved Courses
