Speed up credentialing providers from months to minutes so your facility can earn lost revenue, cut administrative work, and focus more time on patient care.
Prevent millions in lost revenue
In the time it takes to credential physicians, facilities lose all the money these providers would be earning them. That’s up to $1.2 million per provider on average in lost revenue. Let us help you get that money back.
Save time
The credentialing process takes up to 20 hours of administrative work per provider. Cut that time down with instant credential verification, expiration reminders (goodbye spreadsheets!), storage of important credential documents, and OIG monitoring.
Simplify management of providers
Ready Doc lets you manage all of your providers in one place with a single click. That includes notifying them of expiring credentials, reminding them to upload required documents to the platform, and having the choice between custom messages and automated messages.
Cut the clutter
Ready Doc™ offers provider credential packaging, an easy way for facility managers to digitally package a custom collection of verified documents into a secure, sharable folder.