October 19, 2020  | Updated: October 23, 2020

Category: Healthcare Industry


  • COVID-19 has made infection preventionists more pivotal than ever before
  • IIPW an annual awareness campaign organized by APIC
  • Intiva Health exclusive distributor of Goldshield in Western Hemisphere

The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, also known as APIC, is the organizer of the annual International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW).

This year’s theme is to shine a spotlight on the invaluable role of an infection preventionist (IP) in protecting frontline health care workers and patients from COVID-19 and will encourage others to honor and thank IPs for their efforts.

This year’s International Infection Prevention Week will be held October 18 through October 24.

Infection preventionists are patient safety experts who work to prevent infections in health care facilities like hospitals and nursing homes. The International Infection Prevention Week is an annual awareness campaign organized by APIC to highlight the importance of infection prevention.

Connie Steed, APIC 2020 President, said that infection preventionists form the backbone of risk mitigation efforts around the country, however since their mission focuses on prevention, their efforts are not always on the forefront. Steed went on to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of infection preventionists in order to keeping our communities safe.

During International Infection Prevention Week, APIC will lead efforts to recognize and celebrate the critically important work of infection preventionists.

Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, infection preventionists have been pivotal in safeguarding the health of Americans. This involves making sure that health care workers wear their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) correctly as well as helping to make routine medical visits possible during the pandemic.

They have developed plans for hospital surge capacity, prepared COVID units in hospitals and alternate care sites, evaluated and implemented frequently changing guidance, navigated the supply chain to obtain needed PPE, facilitated safer care in nursing homes, consulted with businesses and schools to identify safe practices for resumption of in-person activities, and myriad other things.

What Intiva Health Is Doing:

As a member of APIC, Intiva Health is helping to make groundbreaking, antimicrobial products available to the healthcare industry. Intiva Health is the exclusive distributor of the Goldshield Technologies lineup of products for healthcare in the Western Hemisphere. Goldshield is the world’s only patented silicon-based chemical that has been fully stabilized in water. The unique antimicrobial barrier technology of Goldshield provides unrivaled cleaning and add disinfection capabilities in the fight against daily contamination and potential sickness outbreaks. Goldshield uses a technology that not only cleans and disinfects any surface but also protects it from microbes that land on the treated surface once it is dry. Order a sample kit online today for $49.99 + taxes. Shipping included.

Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency issued new interim guidance outlining the path for expedited approval of products that demonstrate the ability to provide durable residual antimicrobial activity of hard surfaces. 

The announcement from EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler comes as part of the agency’s ongoing response to the coronavirus pandemic. The guidance establishes registration criteria for two new categories of antimicrobial products: 

1: Residual Disinfectants: Including liquid spray and other surface treatments

2. Supplemental Residual Antimicrobial Products: Paints, coatings and solid surface materials

The EPA is seeking to review and approve registrations for these products at least one to two months quicker than the usual agency review time.

Historically, traditional disinfectant or sanitizer products that receive EPA registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) provide a relatively quick kill of the vast majority of bacteria, viruses or other microbes on the surface at the time of application, but are subject to immediate recontamination as soon as they are touched. 

In recent years, a number of products have emerged with the ability to provide more durable antimicrobial activity that lasts beyond the immediate application to the surface.  The demand for such long-lasting disinfectants and sanitizers has spiked in recent months in light of the pandemic.

While traditional disinfectants only kill viruses and bacteria that are on the surface at the time they are used, surfaces treated with residual antimicrobial products kill pathogens that come into contact with the surface days, weeks, or years after the product is applied. The EPA will begin expediting the registration process for these products immediately and may revise the guidance after the 60-day public comment period ends.

The Goldshield lineup of residual antimicrobial products, distributed by Intiva Health to the health care industry in the Western Hemisphere, is expected to be added to this list.


The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) is creating a safer world through the prevention of infection. APIC’s nearly 16,000 members develop and direct infection prevention and control programs that save lives and improve the bottom line for healthcare facilities. APIC advances its mission through patient safety, education, implementation science, competencies and certification, advocacy, and data standardization. 

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